v1.16.0: Major drawing improvements

AI Runner v1.16.0 features several big enhancements to drawing tools, opacity controls and overall performance

Drawing tools

In previous versions of the app the brush tool was not rasterized. After making a large number of strokes with the brush it would start to lag and slow performance of the application. Additionally erasing the lines would result in line segments being removed rather than individual pixels as one would expect.

Although line rasterization was introduced in v1.15.0 it was still non-performant and would eventually start to lag.

AI runner v1.16.0 has addressed a number of issues regarding performance of line rasterization and you should see a much needed enhancement in performance when using the brush tool.


Opacity settings have been removed from the brush color and moved to layers. This means you can no longer adjust the opacity of the brush itself, but you can instead adjust the opacity for each layer which results in a more consistent look of your art, along with the ability to adjust the opacity of images themselves.

Performance improvements

In previous versions the application would start to lag after creating a large image. Although very large sizes may still result in a slight performance hit, users should experience a big improvement in memory usage and performance overall as only the visible portion of the viewport will be updated as you draw, generate images or drag the canvas around.


ai-runner-windows.zip 5.4 GB
Version 1.16.13 Jun 16, 2023
ai-runner-ubuntu.zip 5.7 GB
Version 1.16.13 Jun 16, 2023

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