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but can i seduce it?


Why does it need so much RAM and storage?

the application isn't running for me can i get a step by step process or something I'm running windows btw.

(2 edits)

Please post your system specs, how you have downloaded the application (via app or zip file) and what version you’re running. Also, have you modified any of the files (or added any new files) to the directory which contains chatai.exe?

When you say its not running, what do you mean specifically? The app won’t load, or it loads and you get errors?

I'm running windows 11, no i haven't modified or added anything to the file i just downloaded both versions but when i attempt to open it instantly shuts down.

Will this run on a new MacBook Pro M1 Max? How about your other repos?

(1 edit)

Sorry Windows and Ubuntu support only at this time